Tilt to live 2 all weapons
Tilt to live 2 all weapons

Having museum-piece guns lying about onboard sure was convenient. When the Earth-aliens infiltrate the protagonists' ship in Vandread, it turns out that said invaders could deflect energy weapons, but not a few.Energy weapons exist, but are implied to be rare and hard to get. In Cowboy Bebop combat has switched from aircraft to starships, but most of it is still done with good old-fashioned machine guns and pistols.However in the Darker and Edgier Force manga, where magic has been proving completely useless against the new antagonists, we've had gunblades, rocket lanchers, miniguns, explosives and even giant recoilless rifles introduced.

tilt to live 2 all weapons

It is worth noting that the fear is not of small arms, which even a B-ranker has little to fear from, but WMD. It is implied that this is due to the devastation caused by interplanetary warfare with such weapons in the Backstory, as well as because while all magical weapons are set to stun by default, the same can't be done with kinetic ones.

  • In Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, the TSAB places heavy restrictions on the use of mass-based weaponry.
  • As you may imagine, not much is left of said planets afterwards.
  • The Buff Clan in Space Runaway Ideon uses simple iron rods propelled to an almost-speed of light to bombard human-controlled planets.
  • Notably that's the exact opposite of how things should work: solid projectiles would be much easier to affect with gravity. While lasers are common, they cannot penetrate the Deflector Shields used in the series since they are based on Artificial Gravity tech & can thus redirect lasers using the gravitational lensing effect.
  • Kinetic weapons are the big thing in Cannon God Exaxxion.
  • Future weapons won't necessarily look more "advanced" or really be that different from modern ones: whether rounds are fired from a modern rifle or a space railgun, precise guides held by a solid external structure are still required to accelerate the projectile.Ĭompare Rock Beats Laser, Boring but Practical, and Break Out the Museum Piece. Sometimes kinetic weapons themselves don't appear to have advanced, either. but as everyone knows, lasers are supposed to slice things up into steaming lumps. This does of course have its roots in the fact that Reality Is Unrealistic: serious laser weaponry would use short duration pulses with incredibly high energies that would simply rip a target apart by exploding its surface into plasma. And that's if you can get them to actually be capable of hurting things.Īn argument in favor of projectiles in fiction is, surprisingly, Rule of Cool - while subjecting stuff to melting or explosive evaporation is cool, broken pieces of the same stuff flying away may be even better. If there are energy weapons in the universe, they either are horribly disadvantaged with fewer shots before a replacement is needed, experimental, hard to get, or wracked with issues like overheating, and that's supposing anyone other than the attacking alien race/evil faction even has access to them. Battle armor may have some gizmos on it, the guns may have higher muzzle velocities and an ammo count greater than the population of several rural communities, war vehicles may be able to do some fancy new tricks, but combat is the same at heart, bullets and shells still rule the battlefield. Despite all this technology, however, combat isn't all that different.

    tilt to live 2 all weapons

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    tilt to live 2 all weapons

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    Tilt to live 2 all weapons